The hand sticthed, thirty-two panel, leather sphere, filled with air until firm and strong. The bundle of stocks mangled and interweaved, artistic, and brilliant. The abandoned plastic bottle, once litter, now sport, lying on the ground. Whether an expensive adidas ball, purchased by the wealthy or an old filthy tee shirt, tied in knots by a underprivaledged boy, these objects all share the same unique social phenomenon, which is the football.
It is difficult to capture all o fwhat the football represents. For some, football is a sport, or a game. An activity or an exercise. Fore more, the fooball represents a way of life, which is deeply engrained in cultures around the world. it represents human interaction, free of stereotypes, politics, and racism.
Some people live for the football and some people die for it. In some places, it is used as a release. A release from the hardships surrounding them. Something to look foward to in a time a desperation and struggle. Something to hold as pride when all else has vanished. The football brings unity back into mankind, just like the panels on the ball which are stictched together, tight and solid.
Football is worldly known for being the poor mans sport. This is said because the poor play with the most passion and joy for the game. Just like America's basketball story of struggle and triumph, football is the same throughout the world.
The power of the football is unmatched. Where governments failed, the football has succeeded. Football has the influence that politicians, media, cocaine, and even the crack that is McDonalds could not obtain.
Just recently, it had the power and influence to stop a civil war. The Iraqi national team brought hope and joy back to its country, after winning an Asain trophy. A hope and joy that has not been felt by the Iraqi people in a long time of struggle and war with the Americans.
I share a similiar story to millions of people across the world. As a youngin', I held the ball close, showing it love, passion and care. As I grew older, the ball never left my side. The same love that I showed the football, was given right back in return, giving me opportunities that only a footbal could.
You could say that the football is a Godly phenomenom. Its sperhic nature resembles that of the sun, moon, stars, and the mother earth in which we inhabit. Its 32 panels, sticthed together and its roundness represent the
unity, togetherness, passion, and joy, which is the football.