Why are we wearing such large sunglasses? Is it a natural reaction to the earth's changing atmosphere? We only have our selves to blame for that. Is it for style or status? Either way, sunglasses are designed to lessen the amount of sunlight shined in ones eye, for better vision in very bright situations. A persons forehead, and the rest of the face for that matter, have nothing to do with vision. So there is much more to sunglasses that meet the eye, you could say.
What is wrong with our society? We drive over sized cars, wasting massive amounts of the earth's resources. We live in over sized houses while there are still homeless people walking around our cities. We eat over sized processed cheeseburgers, which deteriorate our health. We watch our over sized televisions while consuming our over priced medications for our under sized problems. And now it has come to this. We are wearing over sized sunglasses.
I have seen just as many girls wearing these massive glasses in doors as I do outside. If we keep this behavior up, I've concluded that the human race will go blind in about 200 years through the theory of evolution.
In America, you will hear many criticisms of Islamic nations covering there women's faces, but we should not be hypocritical, because I can't see your face either with those big ass sunglasses your wearing.
Are these genetically enhanced sunglasses a status symbol or just a soon to die fashion trend? Lets hope its a soon to die fashion trend, because if America keeps breeding these spoiled, money hungry, teenagers like you see on MTV, the sunglasses could start becoming dangerously large.
Good Job. Really funny, I laughed out loud. I think you do a good job tying the big sunglasses into the other oversized extravagances of American style. The only thing I would suggest is a little history on the sunglasses.
Dan, Nicole was right - your blow was very numerous. I can attest to being one of those big sunglass wearers although I will say I did it before it was the "trend". but I can definitely laugh at myself and the fact that I do this.
Like the person above me said, maybe go into history a bit more?? Other than that - just great
Very funny and to the point post. I'm also at a loss as to what is seen in these sunglasses. Could you expand more on why you think that its a growing trend?
I seriously have no idea why people wear them either. Last Christmas, my sister-in-law wanted a pair, and I had the pleasure of trolling every crap store at the mall looking for a pair that fit her specifications. I don't really know why, but she actually wears them all the time. It seems like they became popular after celebrities like Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan started wearing them.
The glasses thing has gone way overboard. You did nice job on how in the American culture likes big things thats we don't need. If you had more words to type I would ssuggest to write about the history of sunglasses.
Dan, great job! This was one of my favorite blogs I read. It was well put together and I loved the tone of it was well. You brought up great points and related it well with our culture. I agree with Matt, that it was very to the point and got my attention right away. I find these sunglasses very annoying as well and am glad you did your blog on this.
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